Today, Brussels is home to more than 180 nationalities that together make up our capital. The Belgians are the largest group, followed by the French, Romanians and Moroccans.
Everyday people arrive and leave, all with their own dreams, expectations and stories. These personal journeys colour and illustrate the history of Brussels as a cosmopolitan city.
The MigratieMuseumMigration highlights the story of the first generation of guest workers, the first hosting of refugees in the Klein Kasteeltje/Petit Château, exiles, war refugees, Europeans who make use of free movement within the EU and everyone else.
You will learn about the city and the lives of others through memories and stories. Furthermore, the museum invites you to share your own story.
With our guide, you will discover this fascinating museum in the heart of Molenbeek. You will be introduced to the personal stories of the many people who make the city what it is.
The museum is located in an old industrial building that has been given a new lease of life: a surprising place where you will definitely find utter peace and quiet.
Practical information:
Duration: 1h30
100 Euro/group of max. 15 persons during office hours
130 Euro/group of max. 15 persons during weekends/holidays or after 6 pm
Address: MigratieMuseumMigration – Werkhuizenstraat 17 rue des Ateliers– 1080 Molenbeek
Booking: info@korei.be